Category Archives: Software development

MariaDB server: MariaDB server is a community developed fork of MySQL server Started by core members of the original MySQL team, MariaDB actively works with outside developers to deliver the most featureful, stable, and sanely licensed open SQL server in the industry.

MariaDB Engine is exceptionally popular and undoubtedly could be considered as among the best of the Database engines available in the market. Review, approve or apply your own version of code that people submit to you that touches your code. Submit your approved code to the captain who worked on your review or to the […]

How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Social Media App 2022?

Content Cost of Hiring App Developer Stages of development Social Media apps help to save telecommunications costs when abroad Adding Mobile Ads Top App Development Companies Step 5: Engage With A User-Friendly And Intuitive Design Onboarding of users Notifications Build an app with unique features that solve existing users’ problems. Let’s analyze each step, find […]